A bright wedding (day)?

Yes, I do love bright weddings, but when it comes to the bright and sunny wedding DAY, the level of excitement of any photographer substantially goes down :). Especially when your built-in camera light meter shows overexposure at 1/4000 shutter speed even when you’re standing and pointing to the shade area. Very exciting, I know, I know… Turns out that’s how bright wedding days are in Los Angeles in February. You guessed it right, this weekend I was shooting a wedding in the heart of Los Angeles, and I was that same “lucky” photographer who experienced a warm, sunny day in late February.

Did the wedding pictures turn out bad? No, they did not. Because we, photographers, are there to fight any atmospheric and weather conditions. The battle was tough with lots surprises in the form of overexposed parts of images coming up here and there, but hey, we shoot digital these days and we can check the image on our cameras’ built-in displays. I feel sorry for those of you still shooting film and having a constant headache up to the time you develop your images ;).

Anyways, the pictures are being edited, but there’s a little teaser for you:

“Yeah, it’s my day!”

Awww, so cute!

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